Simple Photo Detector with TTL Output

This is a photo detector, a detector with TTL output light that can be used in projects for Arduino. This circuit offers low output level when there is enough light, ( a light that triggers the system. He can give a command, for example, turn on the lights when it gets dark and off when clear. The output is compatible with TTL level and gives low (LO) when Q1 phototransistor detects light. RV1 with a trimpot, we can adjust the sensitivity.

Photo Detector with TTL Output Circuit Diagram:

Simple Photo Detector with TTL Output

Parts List: 

  • R1 = 270 Ohm
  • R2-5 = 1K ohm
  • R3 = 10K ohm
  • R4 = 100 ohm
  • RV1 = 10K ohm
  • Q1 = BP103 Siemens Phototransistor
  • IC1 CA3130
  • C1-2 = 100V 100nF ceramic
  • IC2 = 74HCT13
  • D1 = 1N4148-2