3 volts car adapter circuit
The circuit is connected to the car +12-V system via the cigarette lighter socket — is advisable to use a fused version of the cigarette lighter plug. The +12-V arrives on the board via screw- terminal block J2. Diode D2 provides a reverse voltage protection, while C3 decouples the input to the switcher IC.
The LT1074CT briskly switches the supply voltage on and off in response to the signal applied to its F/B input, to the extent that the average output voltage is at the required level. The values of potential divider resistors R1-R3 have been chosen to attenuate the output voltage so that there is 2.5 V at the F/B pin. The difference between the attenuated output voltage and the internal 2.5-V reference is used to control the modulation effect of the switcher.
Components R2 and C2 provide frequency stabilisation for the feedback loop. Inductor L1 along with the LT1074CT form the main switching components, while C1 provides decoupling for the output load. The 3-V output voltage is taken from screw terminal J1. With this circuit built, boxed up and installed in your car, you can look forward to possibly your first ‘quiet’ long car journey.